Odlazak zvezde filma "Kil Bil": Preminuo glumac Majkl Parks
10.05.2017 21:58

Glumac Majkl Parks koji je igrao u kultnoj seriji "Tvin Piks" i u filmu "Kil Bil" preminuo je u 77. godini, prenose danas američki mediji.
RIP to a dear friend and incredible actor Michael Parks, a true legend that will be missed. pic.twitter.com/tAqwQRNoum
— El Rey Network (@Elreynetwork) May 10, 2017
Vest o njegovoj smrti objavio je na društvenim mrežama reditelj i njegov prijatelj Kevin Smit, a potvrdio ju je Parksov agent, prenosi Tanjug.
#TwinPeaks was a simple place. Then Jean Renault arrived and everything changed ... for the better because of Michael Parks' performance pic.twitter.com/Iz1hu29H9s
— Steven Miller (@samhowzit) May 10, 2017
Ovaj glumac je tokom svoje karijere glumio u filmovima najpoznatijih režisera, kao što su Kventin Tarantino i Robert Rodrigez.
Michael Parks, 'Kill Bill' And 'Tusk' Actor, Dead At 77 https://t.co/mbwWnBqocF pic.twitter.com/ZhRTIPB5EL
— Thenet24h (@thenet24h) May 10, 2017
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