Princeza Grejs Keli je bila simbol savršene lepote, a evo kako izgleda njena unuka (foto)


25.02.2017 14:09



Jedna od najlepših, a po mnogima i najlepša glumica Zlatne ere Holivuda, Grejs Keli, u svoje vreme je važila za ikonu stila i prefinjenosti.

Oličenje snova za mnoge mlade devojke postala  je realnost za ovu glumicu skromnog porekla. Udajom za princa Renijea III od Monaka, ova lepa Amerikanka je dobila i tutulu princeze.

Par je imao troje dece - ćerke Karolinu i Stefani i sina Alberta. O njihovoj vezi se dosta pisalo, a kružile su glasine da joj princ brani da glumi, jer po njegovom i mišljenju naroda Monaka, takvo zanimanje ne priliči jednoj princezi. Zna se da je odbila neke uloge zbog "škakljivih scena".


@justsomethingdaily је поделио/ла објаву дана 9. Феб 2017. у 1:22 PST

Karolina od Monaka: Život iz bajke, ali protkane tragedijama

Njihova najstarija ćerka Karolina (60) se tri puta udavala. Ima četvoro dece  - ćerke Aleksandru (17) i Šarlotu (30) i sinove Andreu (32) i Pjera (29).

Prince Albert said that he remembers Grant visiting the entire family in Monaco, gifting them with both the Cary Grant charm and, as it turns out, dirty jokes—even to Kelly’s three children, who were quite young at the time. Grant would tell “dirtier ones with Dad,” Prince Albert remembers. And he is quick to endorse Grant as the kind of classy leading man you’d expect him to be. “But he was always a gentleman,” Prince Albert adds. This is not the first documentation of Cary Grant’s predilection for R-rated punch lines. In the actor’s biography Evenings with Cary Grant: Recollections in His Own Words and by Those Who Knew Him Best, Grant’s friend Bea Shaw told author Nancy Nelson, “Cary and Prince Ranier would call one another and tell dirty jokes. Some of Cary’s jokes were really raunchy.” Gregory Peck further confirmed, “Cary told the funniest stories, with southern accents, ethnic accents—any kind of accent. Dirty ones, too. You’d never think those things would come out of him.” As for an example, here is a poem, that according to the memoir, was a Cary Grant favorite: “They bought me a box of tin soldiers. / I threw all the Generals away. / I smashed up the Sergents and Majors. / Now I play with my Privates all day."

A post shared by grace kelly ? (@gracekellydaily) дана 25. Феб 2017. у 2:44 PST

Keli je tragično nastradala 13. septembra 1982. Vraćajući se u Monako iz Francuske zajedno sa ćerkom Stefani, Glumica je doživela moždani udar i izgubila kontrolu nad volanom. Preminula je dan kasnije, a sahranjena je 18. septembra.

The then Princess Caroline of Monaco was married to Philippe Junot, a Parisian banker who was born on April 19th 1940. Her parent, Prince Rainier III and Princess Grace of Monaco didn't completely approve the marriage but eventually give the consent for their marriage. Philippe has 17 years older than Caroline who was born in January 1957. Caroline and Philippe were married in civil ceremony on June 28th 1978 and religious ceremony on June 29th 1978 in Monaco. Their lavish wedding ceremony was attended by 65 guests including Princess Grace's friends such as Cary Grant, Frank Sinatra, and Ava Gardner. After more than 2 years being married, they finally agreed to divorced on October 9th 1980.  They have no children together. He dated Nina Wendelboe-Larsen in October 1987 and is the father of three children: Victoria, Isabelle, and Alexis. The couple separated 10 years later. He also a father of a daughter who was born in Paris with model Helén Wendel in 2005. ___________________________________________________ #HerRoyalHighness#PrincessCarolineOfHanover#HerSereneHighness#PrincessCarolineOfMonaco#PrincessCaroline#PrincesseCaroline#CarolineDeMonaco#Monaco#Monegasque#MonegasquePrincelyFamily#PrincipalityOfMonaco#PhilippeJunot

A post shared by ????? (@worldofroyals) дана 20. Феб 2017. у 9:23 PST

A čini se da je srednja unuka čuvene Grejs Keli - Šarlota, koju je Karolina dobila u drugom braku sa italijanskim biznismenim Stefanom Kaziragijem, od bake nasledila vanvremensku lepotu.

Rosy glow. #charlottecasiraghi #Monaco

@miss_nostalgiamc је поделио/ла објаву дана 24. Феб 2017. у 1:52 PST

Šarlota Kaziragi se nedavno pojavila na Milanskoj nedelji mode, na reviji brenda Guči, a društvo joj je pravio holivudski zavodnik Džared Leto.

@jaredleto and #charlottecasiraghi attend at the @gucci #fashionshow

A post shared by Riccardo Giordano (@ric_giordano) дана 22. Феб 2017. у 2:21 PST

Šarlota se aktivno bavi jahanjem, a zaštitno lice je brenda Guči.

Kad je ova mlada dama u pitanju, ono što svima upada u oči, jeste besporekorni stil koji porede sa elegencijom njene čuvene bake.

Princeza Šarlin u smeloj haljini Karoline Erere pobrala sve pohvale

Style inspiration - Charlotte Casiraghi #style

A post shared by Wedding & Family Photographer (@andreakellan) дана 10. Феб 2017. у 1:08 PST

Zbog svoje sličnosti sa majkom Karolinom i bakom Grejs Keli, Kaziragijevu često nazivaju jednom od najlepših članova kraljevskih porodica u anketama brojnih časopisa širom sveta.

Uskoro ćete i vi moći da je posetite: Ovo je kuća u kojoj je odrasla Grejs Keli (video)

Bare-shouldered. #charlottecasiraghi #Monaco

@miss_nostalgiamc је поделио/ла објаву дана 9. Феб 2017. у 2:22 PST


A post shared by Charlotte Casiraghi (@charlottexcasiraghi) дана 6. Феб 2017. у 3:52 PST


Maja Gašić


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