U čast preminulih muzičara: Ćerka Krisa Kornela otpevala "Hallelujah" za tatu i Čestera (video)


08.08.2017 22:42



Dvanaestogodišnja ćerka Krisa Kornela, Toni, pridružila se bendu OneRepublic na sceni i otpevala pesmu Leonarda KoenaHallelujah” u čast svog oca i Čestera Beningtona.

#Repost @joshbrolin A shot that my recently gone buddy, Chris, sent to me. A great moment of pride (probably taken by his lovely Vicky). It's his birthday today and he is one to be celebrated wildly and remembered fondly: one of the greatest hearts I've ever met. He cared deeply. That's the thing that stands out the most: how much he cared about people, about our country, about his family, about the world, and about defending the art of expression. I've had a lot of friends die, but his was a moment lost in oblivion: not him, a chaotic ghost descended upon. I love you deeply brother and I send my heart out to Vicky, Toni and Christopher and Lily and the rest of his family. And to all the rest that loved him back. Happy Birthday, buddy. xoxo JBKB(stucktogether) #theheartreigns #happybithdaychriscornell ❤️❤️❤️

A post shared by Chris Cornell (@chriscornellofficial) on Jul 24, 2017 at 11:48am PDT

Veliko prijateljstvo se ne zaboravlja: Bred Pit u dirljivom druženju sa decom pokojnog Krisa Kornela (foto)

Toni Kornel i OneRepublic izveli su pesmu “Hallelujah” na posebnom koncertu u organizaciji televizije ABC, posvećenom preminulim muzičarima, navodi BalkanRock.

Oba muzičara umrla su u razmaku od mesec dana, oduzevši sebi život na isti način.

Naime, frontmen benda "Linkin Park" Čester Benington, ubio se na dan rođenja svog velikog prijatelja Krisa Kornela iz "Soungardena".

Srca su im slomljena: Pismo članova benda “Linkin Park” pokojnom prijatelju

Mlada Toni rastužila je sve prisutne svojim izvođenjem Koenove himne koju je i sam Čester otpevao na Krisovoj sahrani.